These are the feeds I've added to my Google reader. Quite easy to do once you havethe hang of it. I'm not sure though when i will have time to moniter all of the up dates that are coming in, so in some respects it would be better to be selective about which ones you add.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Big Cat Picture From Flickr
Wow didn't know there were so many photos of cats to be had in one place. Looks like a great resouces for doing diplays, projects etc. Just got to remember to use the Commons ones. i don,t think i 'd ever store any of my own pictures on a database that i didn't have total control over. I have a very suspicious mind and have visions of them turning up on the net somewhere. Far better to buy a plug in hard drive and store them offsite which is what i have done.
Wow didn't know there were so many photos of cats to be had in one place. Looks like a great resouces for doing diplays, projects etc. Just got to remember to use the Commons ones. i don,t think i 'd ever store any of my own pictures on a database that i didn't have total control over. I have a very suspicious mind and have visions of them turning up on the net somewhere. Far better to buy a plug in hard drive and store them offsite which is what i have done.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
My First Blog
Picking a name for these things can be quite tricky, why has some one already pinched the one i want to use. Cheek. Since Phoebe is a cat these thoughts may stray to saucers of milk and fishie treats. Blah blah Blah. I thought was finished with this blog for the the first edition, but Lesley just told me that we have to do the actual 100 to 150 words and load a picture. OMG I just doing a quick count only 87 so far. Now thinking where will i find a photo and just three more words. hooray.
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