Well finally at the end of this information explosion. There have fun times and some exasperating moments such as not having access to instruction videos because our flash player needed updating or forgetting the password or login. Facebook as I suspected is not for me too time consuming and I prefer one on one contact not posting stuff on the net, while only one of my close family uses it on a regular basis my far flung family are still coming to grips with email, I also have major concerns about privacy issues and identity theft. Twitter may have it's use like getting a message out if other forms of communication are down, but for the most part much of it is just drivel. Tagging and creating bookmarks to access from any login point was brilliant and could be very useful in the library environment. I now feel very confident about assisting library patrons with gmail and accessing other online services. Flickr was a revelation all those interesting images just waiting to be accessed. I was already familiar with podcasts, but learning how to embed videos was great. My RSS feeds now keeps me update on model railway news. As for geocaching well more fun with my GPS, Leesa thought this would be good for promoting the Heritage of the Town, maybe find the location might be fun.
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